About Us

Maps Academy School - Afienya

Maps Academy School is a premium educational institution for children, offering a world-class curriculum that is designed to meet the needs of every student. Our school is dedicated to providing a nurturing, safe, and stimulating learning environment that encourages personal growth and academic success. With small class sizes, highly qualified teachers, and state-of-the-art facilities, MAPS is committed to delivering the best education possible.

Our focus on character development, critical thinking, and cultural diversity creates a well-rounded educational experience. We believe that education is a lifelong journey and we are committed to shaping the future leaders of the world.

Maps Academy Student

This space is an extraordinary place where little hearts soar and young minds flourish.

Maps Academy | Administration
Our Mission

Our mission is to Empower students through quality education, fostering creativity, nurturing character, and inspiring lifelong learning. We cultivate a diverse, inclusive, and compassionate community that prepares students to excel academically and make a positive impact in a rapidly changing world

Our Core Values

Our core values embrace excellence, integrity, inclusivity, respect, and innovation. We are committed to providing a supportive environment that encourages personal growth, celebrates diversity, and instills a lifelong love of learning in every student

School Anthem

Strive to make MAPS our school great
We will work to make her great
We live in peace and unity with loyalty, we work as one
We strive for knowledge, truth and wisdom,
Honesty is our pride, forever we hail thee alma-Mata
Making Average Performance Splendid
Love and Serve is our watch word
We strive forever higher standard so proclaim beyond the sky
We strive for knowledge, truth and wisdom,
Honesty is our pride, forever we hail thee alma-Mata

Wish to know more About Us? Let's get to know each other!

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